Find other members by name

To find and follow other members:

Here's how you can search for members near you by visiting the "# Members Map" which can be reached via the left-hand sidebar menu of the Community Hub.

Searching for members in the Member Directory:

Go to ' # Member Directory' in the Community Hub.

You'll be shown a list of members starting with those that are currently active in the website or who were active most recently. 

You can choose to instead display members alphabetically or see members by how recently they've joined:

If you know the name of the member - or part of it - you can search it in the search bar. This might be their name as it displays in the website, or their @-name:

From the results, you can either:

  • Click or tap on their name to visit their profile page and view their artwork and activity
  • Click or tap on the envelope icon to send them a private message
  • Click or tap on the loudspeaker icon to follow that member and see their updates in your Timeline

To see a list of the members you're following:

1) Click on your head and shoulder icon in the main menu, then select ' Timeline'.

You can see the members you're following in the ' I'm following' box, and you can click through to any of those members' profiles from there.

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