Follow another member's activity

If you see a painting or comment posted by a member and think 'I'd like to see more from them!', you can 'follow' them by visiting their Profile page and clicking on the ' Follow' button under their name at the top of the page. To go to their Profile Page just click on their name wherever it appears on the site.

Once you're following them, you can view all of their latest activity via your own Profile Page as below:

Click on your Profile Page link in the main menu (this will just be a head and shoulders image if you’ve not uploaded a Profile Picture) and click on ' Timeline’ from the drop-down menu that appears.

The central part of your Timeline will show you your own activity, and the activity from members you're following.

On this page you can also see a list of the members you're following in the 'I'm following' box, and click through to their profiles.

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