Profile Page - About Tab
In your Community Profile, you can include a bio, to share a bit about yourself.
Doing this helps us to get to know you that bit better 🙂
In your bio, you can include anything you'd like to share with other members, e.g. when you started making art, what you enjoy creating, what kind of place you live in and what nature you discover around you, what your creative goals are, what inspires and motivates you to create.
You can edit your bio by first clicking your Profile Page image in the main menu (this will just be a head and shoulders image if you’ve not uploaded a Profile Picture):
And then selecting ' Community Profile' from the dropdown menu.
To edit your bio, click the ' Edit community profile' button:
You'll be taken to a screen where you can edit details including your name and nickname in the website. The last box is a space to write your bio. You can type straight into the box:
Make sure you hit the 'save changes' button when you're done.