Change my name

1.To change the way your name displays to other members using the website:

Click on your Profile Page link in the main menu (this will just be a head and shoulders image if you’ve not uploaded a Profile Picture) 

and click on ‘ Community Profile’ from the drop-down menu that appears.

Click on the ' Edit Community Profile' button. On this page, you can change your first name, last name and nickname (which is the @name other members can use to @mention you in their comments.

Then you can type in the name you'd like to appear in the website, and click ‘ Save Changes’.

2. To change the way your name appears in messages and notifications sent to you by us:

Click on your Profile Page link in the main menu (this will just be a head and shoulders image if you’ve not uploaded a Profile Picture) 

then choose 'Account Settings' from the dropdown menu.

From the menu on the left, select ' Login info' and you'll be taken to a page where you can update your first name, last name and display name. 

(You can also reset your password via this page should you ever need to).

When you've finished updating your details, make sure you hit ' save changes'.

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