How to read Member News emails you've missed

In the Community Hub, look in the top section of the sidebar under the heading 'Keep up to date'.

Under this heading you'll see  # Member News

When you click in here, you'll be able to look back on all the member news emails you've missed.

NOTE: If the emails haven't been getting through to your inbox, it's usually because your email provider has filtered it into your Junk folder or stopped it from even reaching your Junk:

  1. Check to see if it landed in your Junk folder and if it did, mark it as 'not junk'. This should help it to reach your inbox next time.
  2. If it's not in your junk folder, make sure is 'whitelisted' or approved in your safe sender list. 
  3. If after whitelisting the email address this you don't receive the Weekly Member News email the following Thursday, please contact the team at describing the issue and which steps you've already tried. 

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