How to start a Member Group in the Community Hub

Member groups are discussion rooms where you can connect with other members around things you may have in common, such as personal circumstances or special interests. 

How to find member groups:

Go to the Community Hub and look in the sidebar on the left. 

You'll find a subheading 'Member groups' and beneath that is a list of member groups.

Groups will recent activity will appear bold in the sidebar menu.

We encourage you to click into the various discussion rooms, including member groups, and read & join in with conversations.

Would you like there to be a group that's not already in the list?

This is your space, and there’s lots of scope to add new groups if there are topics you’d like there to be discussions about. 

For example you could start a book club, a gardening group, a caregivers group, a member group for speakers of a particular language, a group for bird lovers etc. If you have a special interest you'd like to be able to discuss with other members, we can set up a group for you.

How to get a new member group started:

Please email us at with the following information:

  • What you'd like the group to be called (short names are better)
  • A couple of sentences that describe the group. This will help other members to see what the group is about when they land on the page.
  • Confirmation that you're happy to be named on the group's page as a Room Leader. (You can read more here about how to be a Room Leader, but in short it's simply a case of taking an interest in the group, subscribing to receive updates and popping in one or twice a week to help keep the conversation flowing if someone's been left without an answer. Note that, to begin with, you'll be the only Room Leader unless you contact us with another member.

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