Problems viewing videos
If you can normally play the videos but are having problems watching one or more videos:
If the videos aren't playing, or if one particular video (e.g. Part 1 of a tutorial you've already started) won't play for you, it's most likely an issue happening in your browser - which is very quick and easy to resolve.
Please try these steps before contacting the Support team as you'll probably be able to resolve the problem in just a few minutes.
Step 1: Check if it's a browser issue
To do this, you'll need to use a Private or Incognito browser window to visit the web page you're having trouble with. To do this:
a) Right-click (or on a touchscreen device, tap and hold) any link on the Nature Studio website
b) A menu should appear - select the option of ' Open link in Private tab' (or equivalent, e.g. 'Open link in Incognito window')
c) You'll be prompted to log into the website in the incognito window
d) Then either navigate to the tutorial (or other page) you were having trouble with (you can find a shortcut to it under the 'Jump back in' section on the Home page)
e) Try playing the video again. If it works this time, the problem is a browser issue.
Step 2: Clear your browser's cache
The terminology might sound complicated but this is very easy to do, takes less than a minute, and is good practice to do periodically to cleanse your browser of 'cookies' from websites you visit.
If you've identified a browser issue, this resolves the problem in 99% of cases. Even if you weren't able to identify a browser issue, doing this might still fix the problem.
a) Clear your browser's cache by following the simple instructions here.
b) Try playing the video again in your normal browser (you'll need to log into the Nature Studio website again). If in Step 1 you identified a browser issue, you should now find the videos play as normal.
c) If you'd identified a browser issue (the video played in a Private window) but clearing your browser's cache hasn't worked, you can go a step further and perform a 'hard refresh'. It's just as easy to do - here's how to do a hard refresh.
Step 3: Check your internet speed
If you've ruled out a browser issue, the next thing to rule out is the problem being caused by your internet speed:
a) Check your internet connection and speed: Internet-related issues can be down to a range of reasons, including slow internet speed. You can Google 'Internet speed test' and click the button that comes up to check your internet is working. It will tell you if your speed is slow. If it is unusually slow, you could wait until later and try again, and if the problem persists, contact your internet provider.
b) Try playing the videos at a lower quality: Higher definition or quality videos require faster internet speed. If your internet speed is slow, you can try watching the videos in standard definition, which can make all the difference. On the video you're trying to play, look for the 'cog' icon and find where it says 'Quality'. Choose the lowest number you need for the speed you have available. If your slow internet speed issue is temporary, you can play the videos at a higher quality later. If your connection is slow, it can help to let the video load for a couple of minutes before playing them.
Step 4: Try these troubleshooting steps
Here are a few more quick things to try before contacting us. You might just find that doing one of these fixes the issue.
a) Try another browser: We recommend using Google Chrome for the best experience with the Nature Studio website. This is a quick and free download here for PC and is also in the App store for free. But if you're experiencing the problem in Chrome, try playing the video in a totally different browser (e.g. Edge, Firefox or Safari) in case the problem is being caused by a different browser issue to the common ones described above.
b) Restart your browser: Close your browser window completely, re-open and log into the Nature Studio again to give the video another try.
c) Update your browser: We recommend you make sure your browser is running the most up to date version for a smooth internet experience with any websites you're visiting. Go to this site to update your browser in a cinch.
Step 5: Get in touch with the Support team
Please send us an email to and to enable us to help you most effectively, please specify in as much detail as you can:
- Which video you're having trouble playing, including the tutorial name and the part (or if it's all videos)
- A list of exactly which of the above steps you've already tried (e.g, "I've tried steps 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d..." etc.)
Please note that our support team are not technical experts but we'll do our best to help you and can resolve the majority of issues members may have watching videos.
If you've never been able to play any of the videos:
The video hosting platform we use is banned in some countries including China and Indonesia.
If you are in one of the countries where our video hosting platform is blocked, you'll see that everything else on the website loads at a normal rate, but the videos will not load at all.
You can still access our tutorial videos if you use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). You can read more about how VPNs work, and which to choose, here.
If you don't live in a country where the video hosting may be blocked, and you've tried more than one browser, it's possible that firewall software you have installed on your device is preventing the videos from playing. Try playing the videos on a completely different device if possible. If they play on a different device, and you've tried multiple browsers on your primary device, this suggests that software on your device is responsible for the videos not playing.
Please contact the team if you've tried everything listed here and are still unable to play the videos.