No sound to videos

Try these steps if the videos are playing without sound:


1) Check your device's speaker is turned up and you can listen to audio through it

Sometimes even the best devices will temporarily play up without notice. Test to make sure yours is definitely playing sound by watching a video on YouTube or playing music.

  • If you can't hear any audio at all: check to make sure your speakers are turned up. If that's not the problem, try restarting your device. This usually resolves audio issues.
  • If your device plays sound when you test it, but won't play sound on our videos, you may have the sound turned down on our videos. To turn up the volume on our videos, look for the speaker icon at the bottom of the video screen. Use the slider to control the volume:

2) If you've tried the steps above and still can't play the videos with sound, try playing them on a different device to check if you can hear them there. 

If you can hear the volume, this confirms the issue is with your device and not the videos themselves. If this is the case, try restarting again and running any software updates. If that still doesn't work, you may need to get the help of a computer repair specialist. Unfortunately this isn't something our team are able to help with.

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