How do I create the drawing?

We provide a PDF with each tutorial containing a colour reference photo for you to work from, a black and white image and a drawing for you to print off and either draw or trace from. A mirrored image is also included for tracing so that you only need to trace on one side.

1. Tutorial paintings that are small enough for you to print off the drawing on your home printer

These are easy to print off and trace (see the Drawing video in the Knowledge Base for tracing instructions).

2. Tutorial paintings that are larger than your home printer will print

In these cases, you’ll find the PDF is also supplied at a larger size.

You will likely want to print off the drawing at letter or A4 size at home (follow these instructions so that you can print them to fit your paper).

From there you can opt to:

  • Photocopy the drawing up to the larger size using a copier at a store/library which usually will copy at the bigger size which you can then trace.
  • Use the scaling up drawing method which Anna outlines in the Drawing video in the Knowledge Base

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