Where can I learn more about colour mixing

Anna recommends you watch her video on colour mixing here in the Knowledge Base to learn more about how to accurately mix colours and also watch the video about how to set out your paints in a colour wheel.

You can further develop your colour mixing skills by practicing in your sketchbook with the Self Directed Sketchbook Exercises

Start with the 'Getting to know your paints' exercise first.

Then, spend some time trying out the 'Colour matching' exercise.  You can colour-match your paints to lots of different colours you can see around you. You could cut out pictures and colour swatches from magazines, newspapers, cards, wrapping paper etc., stick them in your sketchbook and then practice mixing the colours to match the ones in the swatches. 

The more you do this, the more your brain will start to work out the paints you need to use to create the colours you want.

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