When is a painting finished?

Anna has a video giving you her 3 point guide to checking if your painting is finished. Check it out here

With this realistic style of painting there's often more to be done to finish a painting.
Here are the 3 key things to check:

  1. Edges. Go over some of your edges with a watery mix and using your smallest brush, to ensure that your edges are nice and crisp and this also helps darken the edges a little, helping to give you more definition.
  2. Detail. Make sure you have captured all of the visual texture and detail you can see in a subject. This could be fine vein detail on petals or fine hair markings or even grooves on a petal.
  3. Darkening up. You are now in a position to make a final tonal assessment, making sure your painting matches tonally to your reference photo. It often helps to place your painting next to the reference photo on your tablet or computer and literally take a step back. You get a different perspective of your painting and are able to see more easily if there are any areas which need to be taken a touch darker.

Once you're happy that everything is as it should be, your painting is finished and ready to be admired!  

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