Olive Green

Olive Green

Pigment numbers: PY65 + PB15:6 + PR101

Olive green is a soft, earthy, brownish-green colour named after the tones of natural green olives. This is useful to have if you use pans of paint as Anna used to use it a lot when she used paints in pan format, in the earlier tutorials. Since using tubes, Anna found the colour to be a little different and so has used it less in more recent tutorials, favouring a combination of Burnt Sienna and Permanent Sap Green when looking for an earthy green like this. 

Recommended Substitutes

  • Mix Winsor & Newton Permanent Sap Green (80%) with Winsor & Newton Burnt Sienna (20%)  
  • The Daniel Smith alternative is Sap Green, although it is a different pigment mix (PG7 + PO49) and is a little brighter and less brown.

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