Transparent / Translucent Orange

Transparent / Translucent Orange

Pigment number: PO71 

The orange that Anna uses is Transparent Orange by Schmincke which is a darker paint and therefore has a wide tonal range. It has equal amounts of yellow and red - mixing a red and a yellow tends to result in a more opaque hue so a ready mixed transparent orange is very useful. This paint used to be called 'Translucent Orange' which is why Anna sometimes refers to it as that in older tutorials.

Recommended Substitutes

  • To mix this sort of colour use 60% Winsor Lemon mixed with 40% W&N Scarlet Lake.
  • The Daniel Smith alternative is Permanent Orange, which is lighter and more yellow in hue but it can be darkened and made more red, to match Transparent Orange, by adding some Daniel Smith Organic Vermilion. 

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